Wow- its been a long long time. Well not really just like a week or so, therefore not totally clear as to where to start....
Went to the beach. I love the beach love love love it. I know this may be hard to believe, but this is the first time my friends have ever invited me to the beach. It was stinkin' amazing. I usually go with the family and that's fun, but well you know fun of a different sort. Neways...we just relaxed. I didn't get as tan as I normally do, but that seems to be less and less important as I get older. I need to add here that I was graciously asked to go because
Brandi's husband
Shane decided to go to Cleveland (lame), but fantastic for me. We

walked around Rosemary beach, which is a delightful little beach town. Kinda like some part of Italy dropped down into the good portion of Flordia.
Here's a little info on it if you'd like to take a gander. Honestly, I think it might be one of the greatest places I've ever tromped around. It tops my list on places I really want to stay. We ate at a really good restaurant called Paradis. It was pretty close to the definition of its name. Brandi and I shared this amazing chocolate cheesecake for desert with french press coffee. Now that's something to be thankful for. It was just great food, fantastic conversation and godly fellowship. Couldn't have ever deserved such a blessing.
I stole some pics from everybody so I'm gonna put some on here, well just so you can get the general awesomeness idea
The know, crystal clear waters, slight breeze. Amazing.

The History Channel and the Mayans- I mean seriously what get's better? Clearly Brandi and I think little does.

Okay so I had to put this on here. Our last day we stopped at Amavida coffee. Fantatic coffee and lattes by the way and these two kids had these matching hats on. Had to take a picture of that. No explanation needed.

Reid Chapman- and yes he kept the sunglasses on of his own free stylin.
For now, that's it. My soul wells up with thanksgiving.
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