So many questions circle round and round in my head. I turned 28 this year. Funny enough I actually really like that age. It's brought a sense of contentment that my younger 20's never shared with me. I was somewhat of a disaster right out of college. I'm not saying that from time to time that I'm not still a complete mess, but it's different now. Grace I guess has a lot to do with it.
I'm surrounded by so many wonderful gracious people. However, I have noticed that the overarching quality people are tending to notice about me is my inquisitive nature. My friend Catie finally asked me the other night "Why are you so inquisitive Cara?" Now, she in no way was saying, "Stop that. That's annoying," but I think she was just genuinely curious. My response- I used to think I knew it all. I had no reason to ask questions. But a few things happened. I hit a hard brick wall of pride and both of us broke. When I went to get up, it wasn't pretty. I was bleeding a lot, but people heard my quiet shameful cries for help. My recovery birthed a great deal of things- one of them my screaming awareness of how much I didn't know and how much I loved the people that were loving me in return. So now I can't help but ask people their stories. What more could we desire than to know and be known? And on top of all that love them. I didn't know how to do that when I was under the impression I was "clean". By no means do I know how to do that perfectly now, but I have the "want" to. To me, that's the most important.
We are all broken, whether we understand that or not. I've been fortunate enough to become really aware of most of my pieces. So that's the short version...ask me some questions if you wanna know more.